The first all-Russian Festival of Armenian Art, ARMARTFEST, Embassy Republic of Armenia in Russia, Moscow, Russia.
The first all-Russian Festival of Armenian Art, ARMARTFEST, Embassy Republic of Armenia in Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Three Armenian Artists, Goldmark Gallery, London
Contemporary armenian painters exebition, Embassy Republic of Armenia in Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Armenian Artist's Union, Yerevan
"East t West, Modern to Postmodern", with Bardzr Arvest Gallery, Modern Art Museum (Yerevan), Haigazian University (Beirut, Lebanon)
Yerevan, Komitas Musueum Institute.
France, Marselle Abricotier en Fleur.
Monaco, Cote d'Azur.
Denmark, Copenhagen Samsoe Gallery.
Exhibition at "Contemporary Armenian Art" Inter Art Gallery, New York.
Exhibition at Silvana Gallery, New York.
Participated in Art Interit Gallery, Love Magic, New York.
By the invitation of His Gighness Sheikh Ali-Bin Abdullah Al-Thani. Doha, Qatar.
The Cultural Center of "Al Moussassa Al Arabia Li sakafa Wil Founoun".
AGBU Demrchyan Center, Beirut Lebanon.
National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan
Hilton Ramses, Cairo, Egypt.
Science Academy of Russia, Moscow.
Participated in national and international group exhibitions in Armenia, Russia Canada, Lebanon, Germany and Qatar.
Modern Art Museum, Yerevan
Silvana Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dalan Art Gallery, Yerevan
The artworks are kept in Modern Art Museum (Yerevan) and many private collections in Armenia and abroad.